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Around the world, there’s a critical shortage of life-saving organs, especially for children. In fact, kids tend to wait two and a half times longer than adults. Many die waiting. Only through widespread education and awareness initiatives can we hope to decrease waiting lists and save lives.
Promoting organ donation education for children also promotes a broader mindset of health, emphasising what’s inside our bodies as essential. Positive affirmations and a healthy living guide play a role in this approach, fostering empathy, compassion, and community support. Prioritising organ health also encourages people to make mindful lifestyle choices, promoting body positivity and self-acceptance. Ultimately, this approach saves people’s lives and nurtures a holistic view of wellness.
It’s an operation whereby doctors replace a failed or damaged organ with a healthier one. For this to happen, organs need to be donated by organ donors. This only happens if the person receiving a new organ really needs one and could die if they don’t receive one. That’s why organ donors are a little like superheroes. When someone chooses to give their organs to someone else when they no longer need them, they’re really saving someone’s life!
In order for a person to become an organ donor, blood and oxygen must flow through their organs until the time the organ is recovered. This means that most organs come from those who die suddenly from things like aneurysms, strokes, or road traffic accidents which badly damage the brain. Donations only happen after every effort to save a patient’s life has been exhausted and death has been declared by either brain death or circulatory death criteria. (i.e. with no signs of life and no chance of recovery).
The following can be donated after death: heart, lungs, kidneys, liver, pancreas, small bowel (small intestine) and tissues which include bone, eyes (cornea and sclera), skin, tendons, heart valves and arteries. Living donors can donate a kidney or part of their liver, bone marrow and stem cells, blood, and plasma. Where a child is needing an organ, living donors are normally a close relative, with parents being the most common donors.
While some organs can be donated regardless of the age and size of the donor and recipient, other organs (like the heart and lungs) need to be a certain size, and therefore require that the donor and recipient are in a similar age bracket.
Becoming an organ donor is the final, selfless, act of love that anyone can pledge. The legacy a donor leaves, extends far beyond just the recipient/s of their organs. It helps the families of the people granted new life, and extends on to their friends, peers, and communities too. Furthermore, those in grief for the loss of a loved one (whether an adult or child) may draw immense comfort from the knowledge that their loved one’s legacy will live on in the lives they have helped to save, through organ donation.
A single organ donor can save as many as nine lives and improve the lives of even more through tissue donation.
The first thing you should do is talk to your family. It’s vital that your loved ones know your choice concerning organ donation, and you, theirs. You can also sign up as a registered organ donor. There always needs to be permission from the donor’s family to allow donation, even if you are a registered donor. So, talk about it! And no matter where you live, you can make and share your own Mighty Pledge.
(Download the free poster on the Resources Hub!)
Although every person is different, there are some recurring themes as to why people don’t register. When it comes to families, and kids in particular, the most common barriers tend to be:
These resources have been developed in partnership with teachers and experts to be age-appropriate and spark a positive discussion around organ donation and transplants. Please check the slides before using them with your class, so that
you are aware of any material that may be sensitive for a particular student. Be especially aware of any instances of children in your class who have been recently bereaved. Adaptations may need to be made to the lesson or the timing of any related projects to accommodate this.
Most religions fully support the principle of organ and tissue donation as a life-saving gift – and also support the principle of blood, organ, and stem cell (bone marrow) transplantation. They accept that organ donation is a matter of personal choice. As do we. We recognise and accept that there are individuals and religious groups who have different views. None of these say that you can’t talk about it.
The majority of school-going children value being informed about what their various organs actually do, how to keep healthy, and what organ donation and transplantation is all about. Yet, many teachers, parents, and healthcare professionals believe they lack the necessary information and resources to address the topics adequately. In every country where the Orgamites educational tools and resources have been introduced, the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive.
Such multi-faceted, long-term strategies are gradually increasing the number of organs donated, reducing the lengthy waiting lists, augmenting the number of lives saved, and ultimately normalising organ donation. What’s more, they’re bridging the health education gaps to ensure there are far less pitfalls for the next generation to fall into.
Ultimately, regardless of what children learn about organ donation at school, the final decision always resides within families. The Orgamites Mighty Education Programme focuses on presenting the possibilities and scientific facts, leaving the organ donation conversation to parents and guardians.
The human body is made up of many amazing parts called organs that all work together to keep us alive and healthy. There are 78 organs in our body, which fall into 10 categories. The top two categories are Vital and Mighty Organs.
Vital organs are the most important organs for keeping us alive. They perform jobs your body absolutely cannot live without. If something goes wrong with these organs, doctors need to act very fast to keep you alive. The vital organs are: the Brain; at least one Lung; the Heart; the Liver; and at least one Kidney.
Mighty Organs (aka the Orgamites) is the category we focus on, given this name because they are the most needed for organ donation and transplantation. This means that if a person’s mighty organs stop working or aren’t working well, they can be replaced with new ones from another person (called an organ donor). The operation that makes this possible is called an organ transplant. These organs, animated as the Orgamites, consist of: the Eye (which represents the transplantable cornea and sclera), Liver, Heart, Kidneys, Lungs, Pancreas, and Small Bowel (or Small Intestine). Although not officially an organ, Bone Marrow (aka Captain Marrow) leads the team.
These have been specifically created to inform parents, answer any questions they may have, and equip them to have more conversations with their children at home. In South Africa, family members are always asked to make the decisions about organ donation at the end of life on behalf of the person who has passed on. Knowing how each member of your family feels regarding organ donation can make these painful decisions far simpler and less stressful. Unfortunately, very few have had this conversation with their families. A family discussion in a safe, comfortable place (long before there’s any pressing need) is the best way for everyone to share their choices and learn together.
Time and time again, it’s been proven that the single biggest deciding factor between those who choose to donate their organs and those who do not, comes down to whether they’ve talked about organ donation with their loved ones (even just once) before they (or their loved ones) pass on. The earlier these conversations happen within families, the better.
While our educational resources go beyond just organ donation awareness, it is always an integral and foundational part of what we seek to do—connecting kids to greater levels of awe and appreciation for their bodies, their health, and the health of the people around them too.
According to the World Health Organisation and other leading health bodies, there are several major crises facing the next generation. These threats to our kids’ health and wellbeing include escalating rates of paediatric chronic disease, obesity, mental disorders, screen addiction, a plethora of social and behavioural concerns, and a critical shortage of organ donors. These are global concerns that affect all kids everywhere, and they’re increasingly affecting younger and younger children. Meaningfully addressing these concerns will require an unprecedented collective effort—with all of us (teachers, healthcare professionals, policy makers, parents, and guardians) working together for the good of our kids.
While students tend to be taught about the basic facts pertaining to their bodies, organs and health, there is often limited space and time in the curriculum to truly engage with these topics in a way that can be easily applied to their day-to-day lives. Studies indicate that the sooner children form healthy habits, the more likely they are to stick with them and lead healthier lives into adulthood.
Anyone can download our free educational toolkits and resources. At present, there are three main toolkits, each consisting of fun, educational videos, lesson plans, worksheets, class activities and take-home resources too.
We would love you to! Please just give credit where it’s due and point children and their parents back to Orgamites.co.za to find out more. If you’d be so kind as to also consider joining us in changing the world by spreading our message further and wider still, we have a bunch of ideas to get you started on the GET IN TOUCH site.
The Orgamites characters were intentionally designed to have no arms, and this decision serves three important purposes.
The Orgamites Mighty Education Programme is an organ donation and health education programme created by Roydon Turner. Creative and production by All Good Co. CIC (AllGoodCo.org). The name “Orgamites,” along with the logo and characters, are registered trademarks of All Good Co. © Copyright 2016. All rights reserved. The programme operates under applicable legal frameworks across all its international territories. Neither the programme nor its characters may be sold or reused in any form without written permission.
Our education tools for schools are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Licence (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).
To view a copy of this license, visit: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/.
The Orgamites Mighty Education Programme, along with its toolkits and resources, is FREE to share — you may copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format under the following terms: The work must be properly attributed, used solely for non-commercial purposes, and no modifications or derivatives are allowed.
Sounds exciting! Our team at All Good Co. (CIC) are always looking to see how we can team together to take the Orgamites further and wider.
Let’s get talking, only something good can come from it! Write to: roydon@allgoodco.org
It is your choice. You can choose to donate some organs but not others.
In South Africa, organ donors must be 70 years old or younger and in good health. Minors under the age of 18 require parental consent to register as organ donors, and their parents always have the final legal say.
Currently, there are around 8000 people on the transplant waiting list in South Africa and about 40 of them are children. Every day someone dies while waiting for an organ transplant. Children tend to wait two and a half times longer than adults, owing to a significant shortage of child organ donors, leading to children and their families waiting for a life-saving donation that tragically doesn’t always come to fruition.
South Africa follows an opt-in system for its organ donor register. In contrast, countries like the UK or Spain operate under an opt-out system, where all adults are considered to have agreed to be organ donors upon their death unless they have explicitly recorded a decision not to donate or belong to an excluded group. This approach is sometimes referred to as ‘deemed consent’ or ‘presumed consent’. Regardless of your system, or your status on the donor register, your family will always be asked for permission and make the ultimate and final decision.
Parents and guardians from all communities and ethnicities can register their children, and children can register themselves at any time (and it only takes 2 minutes). By registering your decision on the Organ Donor Register and talking to your loved ones, you can leave them certain about your choice.
Thinking about what happens to your body after death can feel uncomfortable, let alone considering organ and tissue donation. But becoming an organ donor is one of the most generous decisions you can make—it has the potential to save and transform other people’s lives.
If you’ve hesitated in considering organ donation, or have been held back by misinformation, here’s the truth behind some of the most common myths and concerns.
Fact: When you’re being treated in a hospital, the medical team’s sole focus is saving your life. Doctors specialising in your condition will provide the best possible care, and their priority is always you—not someone else waiting for a transplant.
Fact: Stories of people “waking up” after being declared dead are sensational myths often found in the Tabloid Media. In reality, organ donors undergo stricter and more rigorous tests to confirm death than non-donors. These tests are performed at no cost to your family, ensuring the decision to donate is based on absolute certainty.
Fact: Stories of people “waking up” after being declared dead are sensational myths often found in the Tabloid Media. In reality, organ donors undergo stricter and more rigorous tests to confirm death than non-donors. These tests are performed at no cost to your family, ensuring the decision to donate is based on absolute certainty.Most major religions, including Roman Catholicism, Islam, most branches of Judaism, and most Protestant denominations, fully support organ donation as an act of compassion and generosity. If you’re uncertain or have concerns, it’s always a good idea to talk to your religious leader or clergy for guidance.Most major religions, including Roman Catholicism, Islam, most branches of Judaism, and most Protestant denominations, fully support organ donation as an act of compassion and generosity. If you’re uncertain or have concerns, it’s always a good idea to talk to your religious leader or clergy for guidance.
Fact: Organ and tissue donation doesn’t prevent you from having an open-casket funeral. Donors are treated with the utmost respect and care. After donation, the body is clothed for burial, leaving no visible signs of donation.
Fact: Very few medical conditions disqualify someone from organ donation. Even if some organs are unsuitable for transplantation, others may still save lives. Ultimately, medical professionals will assess your organs and tissues at the time of your death to determine what can be used.
Fact: This is no longer the case. Living kidney donation is possible for friends, distant relatives, or even strangers through transplant programmes. If you choose to become a living donor, you’ll undergo thorough medical and psychological evaluations to ensure your decision is safe and well-informed.
Fact: Social status, fame, or wealth has no influence on who receives an organ transplant. Organs are allocated based on urgency, medical compatibility, and other clinical factors—not financial or social status. While celebrities may receive media attention for their transplants, they follow the same process and criteria as everyone else.
Fact: Families of organ donors are never charged for the donation itself. Any costs incurred are related to the medical care provided before death. The costs associated with organ recovery are covered by the recipient’s healthcare or transplant programme.
By debunking these myths, we hope to give you a clearer understanding of organ donation, no matter where you are in the world. This is a life-changing decision that doesn’t just save lives—it creates a legacy of kindness and compassion.
Please take a moment to talk to your loved ones today about your choice to donate. Together, we can help ensure that more lives are saved.
To become a stem cell donor in South Africa, you need to meet specific eligibility criteria. Firstly, you must be aged between 16 and 55 years old, although it’s important to note that some registries may have slightly different age requirements. Additionally, potential donors must be in generally good health to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the donation process.
To register, you can sign up through various charities like South African Bone Marrow Registry or DKMS. These organisations are part of an international system to help match donors with recipients. These charities provide you with all the information you need to make a decision to register. After filling out a simple form, you’ll then need to submit a cheek swab sample. This sample is used to collect your tissue type, which is crucial for matching you with patients who need a donation.
The donation organisation will contact you to discuss the donation process if you are a match for a recipient at some point in the future. Provided you are still healthy and willing to donate, your stem cells could be donated via a peripheral blood stem cell collection (this is the most common method and is similar to a blood donation), or less commonly, directly via bone marrow (in which case, you will be given anaesthesia and feel no pain during the donation). Both donation methods are very safe, with temporary discomfort being the most common side effect.
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We welcome your communication, whether you’re curious about becoming a partner or have a general enquiry about our education programme. We’re a small, friendly team, so it might take a few days for us to get back to you. But rest assured, we’re eager to connect.
The Orgamites Mighty Education Programme is proudly brought to you by All Good Co., a Community Interest Company (CIC).
A CIC is a business primarily focused on social objectives, whose surpluses are principally reinvested in the business or community, rather than being driven by profit for shareholders and owners.